The Micro Hot Head is small and fully equipped for live action movements and preset positions along with complete camera and lens control using RS485
With HD- SDI camera and lens.
For use with Remote Control Panels (RCP)
Possibility of use wide angle converter.
Can be remote controlled with cable or wireless
Can be mounted inverted or even side mounting for vertical shots.
Weight 1.7kg.
Power: 12-16V DC @ 600mA.
Pan Range: 360º continuous
Tilt Range: +/- 130º from vertical.
Speed Range: <0.05º/sec -120º/sec
Remote: Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Iris, Focus, Auto White balance , Manual Withite, Preset White, Rgain, Bgain, Mped, Rped, Bped, Detail, Shutter, Gain, Gamma, Dzoom On/Off, Auto Iris, On/Off, Auto Focus On/Off, IR Mode On/Off, Output Standard HD/SD etc. Preset Store (P,T,Z,F), Preset Recall, P,T reverse,Hi/Lo speeds, Turbo Speed.
Operating Temp: -10 to +45º
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